Dear feet,

I don’t always give you the credit you’re due. I don’t like the way you look. You’re small, yet so wide and flat. It’s hard to find shoes that fit you well, and comfortably; never mind functionally or fashionably. I tend to focus on those things. I’m hard on in you in other ways too. I stand, walk, and run on you all day long at work, while I focus the energy of my care and concern on other people, and their needs. I don’t always wear the compression socks I love, that are good for you, because sometimes I’m too hurried in the morning to think about it– to think about you. I put you through the ringer on adventures that replenish my soul.

And it’s in this that I really don’t give you your due. Feet of mine, you’ve carried me to some amazing places. When my mind is overwhelmed and my heart is weary, you faithfully walk me, one foot in front of the other, to the places and spaces where I can become renewed.

No wonder I love to put on my hiking boots. But just as I love to put those boots on, it’s pure pleasure to pull them off, and slip into sandals. New socks, or socks fresh out of the dryer are such a pleasure. How do I not noticed more often just how important you are, feet of mine?

Thanks for carrying my tired body seven miles today, feet. I’m sorry I left you so blistered, but I appreciate what you do for me. I promise to try to be kinder to you.

File Apr 03, 22 00 18






Let’s try this again

Lately I’ve been feeling a strong urge to start writing again. Not writing for school, that I’m compelled to do– but writing for me, because I want to and need to. Maybe this is just a means to procrastinate on an already too busy life, but for the moment it feels like an act of radical self-care in the face of a too busy life. It’s been a long time since I’ve used a non-Tumblr blog, but I’m excited to start working on this part of my brain again.

Let’s see how long I can keep it up.